Nutalis product data

Here you will find product images and product descriptions for the Nutalis battery-powered lights.

The specifications, user manuals, and data sheets can be found in our B2B shop.

Note: The product data provided here may only be used with an image usage agreement signed by Sigor. Otherwise, Sigor reserves the right to insist on the immediate removal of the product data.

Produktdaten Nutalis Produktbilder

Product images

Product images for all Nutalis models (JPEG - 300 dpi)

Incl. images of FlexMood, dimmability, easy-connect puk, IP protection class and moods

Download product images (Dropbox)

Produktdaten Nutalis Bildübersicht

Product texts + image overview

Product texts for all Nutalis models (PDF)

Image overview for product images in correct order (PDF)

Download product texts + image overview (Dropbox)

Do you have questions about the product data?

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